André Butzer's Untitled Painting Mounted, installation setting

Sabrina Andres Art Advisory

Personalized art consulting with a focus on contemporary art, ranging from early career to established international artists.

Facilitating investment in passion

With a clearly defined and independent stance in the art field, Sabrina Andres Art Advisory creates tailored experiences for private collectors and corporations while adding tangible value to their collection.

Emil Klein Untitled Painting, White Canvas with Abstract Black fluid lines, painting hung in Living Room setting

Sabrina fosters meaningful and long lasting professional relationships by prioritizing her client’s needs through her refreshingly approachable communication skills and her emphasis on accountability.

Services offered by

  • Collection Management
  • Coordination of loan terms
  • Gallery and studio visits with client
  • Curating of art projects internationally
  • Market and Art Historical Research
  • Conduct acquisitions and sales for client
  • Represent client during transactions
  • Framing, transportation and installation of artwork

Interested in seeing some of Sabrina's curatorial projects?

Parkview Avenue

Alpineum Assistant Curation

Swiss Mix and Mingle

Focal Points

Expansive Knowledge and Network

Sabrina leverages her international network which enables constant discovery of new markets, and provides her clients with the freshest insights in the artworld.

Stephanie Temma Hier's Re-group and Re-grout (Fukushima Daisy III), 2019 mounted on white wall

Sabrina's adaptability, clear judgement, and creativity have proven powerful during these current unprecedented times. With social interactions currently limited, Sabrina strives to offer her clients a highly flexible means of advising.